Saturday, January 2, 2010

Writing Goals 2010

It's finally here. 2010 was ushered in by cold weather and warm hearts. It is my make this the best year ever. I know that I have so much to look forward to, number one being the precious baby that will make his appearnence sometime in June.

This year will also be a great year for my writing...maybe not in big ways, but with big passion! I'm really going to put myself out there this year, get down and dirty, leave no stone unturned...and maybe I'm getting off track here.

So, without further ado, here are my writing goals for 2010:

1. Write 500 words/day except for Sunday/holidays on either manuscript or blogs so that I can get in the habit of writing even without inspiration. I'll keep track of this on a spreadsheet.

2. Finish DS by the end of February so that I can enter it in the Genesis Contest and submit to MLP (and others).

3. Write the first draft of the sequel to DS by the time the baby comes so I am not stressed about getting it on paper and can relax and edit.

4. Have the sequel finished by the end of the year.

5. Write/submit queries for at least one article/month for the year. This is a good way to break in, and possibly a way to make a little extra money.

6. Go to the ACFW conference.

7. Keep up with my blogs by creating new posts at least three times a week.

8. Read one writing and one non-writing book/month. (This month the writing book is Fire in Fiction by Donald Maas and the non-writing book is This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti.)

Yes, I know...ambitious. But, hey, goals are supposed to push us. Right? You should see the list when I add in my non-writing goals.'s going to be a busy year!

Thank you everyone for joining me in 2009 and inspiring me in all your individual ways. I hope you'll stick with me in 2010 as we take it by storm!